Student Information
Tutoring/Learning Lab
Our Goal is the Success of our Students! The Learning Lab is a one-stop resource to help you succeed academically.
The Learning Lab offers:
Free in-person and online tutoring services for students
Computer and printer access
Information on academic success strategies
Learning Lab Location:
A Building, 2nd floor
Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Closed Fridays during the summer
Face-to-Face Tutoring
Face to face tutoring is available in the following disciplines. An updated schedule
with subject tutoring hours is available on the POD. You can call the Learning Lab
at 281-756-3564 or email for further information.
- Math
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Chemistry
- Cybersecurity
- Biology
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Physics
- Process Tech
- Writing
Online Tutoring
ACC offers virtual tutoring with ACC tutors during the 16-week semester Monday – Thursday 8 am to 7 pm (7 to 9 pm by appointment only) and Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.
Tutoring appointment links are on the POD page
The Writing Center tutoring appointment links are on our POD page
We also offer Pear Deck Tutor, an online tutoring company available 24/7. Students can use Pear Deck Tutor for a variety of subjects. Access to Pear Deck Tutor is found on Blackboard.
Computer Access
The Library and Learning Lab have computers available for student and community use. Internet access and printing is also available.
Contact Information
Holly Abel
Academic Support Specialist
Diana North
Academic Support Specialist
DeLys Mitchell
Administrative Assistant, Learning Commons